Hi I'm Dayvi Schuster

But you can call me Dave
or Dayvster or whatever, it's all cool

Yo, I'm a badass software developer and tech dude from Slovenia 🤘. I thrive on pushing boundaries, learning new things, and spreading my knowledge like wildfire. Recently, I unleashed a kickass rust-based tool called pulse to track the CPU and Memory usage of my processes. It's pure punk rock power! Check it out on GitHub

Right now, I'm working at a cool company called Reelgood which is a streaming guide for the movie/tvshow buff in all of us. Check it out if you're the kind of person who's friend group considers the know it all when it comes to movies and tv shows.

In my free time I'm usually working on some cool side projects, right now that would be SaveGamez which is a game deals aggregator, that helps you find the best deals. There's a ton of plans for it in the future which I will not spoil just yet. Come in and see for yourself.