Dayvi Schuster Dayvsterdev Profile Picture

Hi I'm Dayvi Schuster

But you can call me Dave
or Dayvster or whatever, it's all cool

Hey, I'm a software developer and tech enthusiast from Slovenia 🤘. I have a passion for exploring new technologies, pushing boundaries, and sharing what I learn with others. Recently, I created a Rust-based tool called Pulse to track CPU and memory usage. It's pretty cool and has been really useful for my projects. If you're into that kind of thing, you can check it out on GitHub.

Right now, I'm working at a great company called Reelgood. It's an awesome streaming guide for movie and TV show lovers. If you're the person your friends turn to for recommendations, you'll find it really handy. It's a fantastic resource for discovering new content and keeping track of all your favorite shows and movies.

In my free time, I like to dive into various side projects. Currently, I'm working on SaveGamez, a site that helps you find the best game deals. There are lots of exciting plans for it, so stay tuned. It's a project close to my heart, and I'm constantly working on new features to make it even better. Come and check it out; I think you'll find it useful if you're a gamer looking for great deals.