Posts tagged with: react
Back to all postsJotai atomWithStorage
How to persist data in your application with Jotai, atomWithStorage might just be the solution you are looking for.
React Query Retry explained
This simple option will make your app more resilient to network failures and give you more control over your fetching logic.
Three different states - Remote, App, and Local
How to structure your state in a way that makes your codebase more maintainable, scalable, and performant.
react useDebounce
A simple debounce hook for React applications. Useful for when you want to limit the number of times a function is called to improve performance
What Makes Jotai So Amazing?
A minimalistic and modern state management library designed for React applications, find out why I think this state management library is so darn great.
React goes fullstack
React is a fullstack application now? Yes, no, maybe? Let's find out and let's see how React Server Components play a role in this.
When and how to useMemo
Maximizing React Performance: Harnessing the Power of React.memo for Optimal Results - A Comprehensive Guide to Enhance Efficiency and Speed
Next.js Layouts Explained
Streamlining Next.js Development with Layouts Achieving Consistency, Reusability, and Improved Performance
Designing React Components that are Testable and Maintainable
Make your React components testable and maintainable by following these best practices and design patterns.
React Query / Tan Stack Query Explained
Streamline Your Data Management with React Query. A fantastic library for handling data fetching and caching in your React application.
React Just Got Even More Awesome
Introducing the use Hook: A Native Way to Handle Async in React Applications, Making Data Fetching Easier and More Declarative
How granular should components be?
Avoiding the Two Extremes of Component Design: Finding the Right Balance for Your Application's Codebase
How and when to use React Context
React context can be a very powerful tool, but when and why should you use it? Let's find out in this article.
7 Steps to become a better react developer
These are just some of the things I've learned over the years that have helped me become a better react developer. Maybe they can help you too.